Embracing the Language Melody 

Encore, Bonjour! Here’s chapter two of our series on the 10 must-know things that’ll make every Paris newcomer’s life easy. Once upo

Expats Paris: The Top 10 Commandments for Newcomers (Chapter ONE: Bonjour)

Bonjour, Here’s chapter one of our series on the 10 must-know things that’ll make every Paris newcomer’s life easy. Enco

Behind the Scenes of French Protests: Understanding the Law and the People’s Voices

France has a long history of protests and demonstrations, from the French Revolution to the Yellow Vest movement in recent years. But how

Surviving French Work Culture as an Expat: Tips for Success

Moving to France can be an exciting adventure for expats, but the French work culture is characterized by strict rules and social hierarch

Revamp Your Freelancing Career in Paris: 10 Bold and Effective Rebranding Strategies

Revamp Your Freelancing Career in Paris: 10 Bold and Effective Rebranding Strategies Rebranding is a crucial aspect of growing any busines

10 Overlooked Business Tasks That Could Derail Your Freelancing Career (Part TWO)

If you missed part one of this post, please find it here As a Paris-based English-speaking freelancer, you have the opportunity to work in

10 Overlooked Business Tasks That Could Derail Your Freelancing Career

As a Paris-based English-speaking freelancer, you have the opportunity to work in one of the most vibrant and dynamic cities in the world.

How to Pivot Your Freelance Career for More Success in 2023

As a freelancer, you have the freedom to shape your career in any direction you choose. But sometimes, even the most successful freelancer

Living and Working in Paris as an Expat in 2023: A Whirlwind Adventure

Living and Working in Paris as an Expat in 2023: A Whirlwind Adventure Paris, renowned for its enchanting allure and cultural richness, co

Can foreign students freelance in France?

Can foreign students freelance in France?

The answer is yes, but…, there is always a “but” somewhere. The move to study in a foreign country is exciting but what can be chall