freelancing and consulting in France

1. Portage salarial

This is an umbrella company that contracts employees who work temporarily after signing a contract. However, for a company to take you under its wing and start handling your business which includes invoicing and payroll you must register with one and must be able to meet their qualifications.

The advantages of using portage salarial there is full social security protection such as paid holidays, it provides training opportunities, unemployment and incapacity benefits, workload revisions and many others.

There are many portage companies so when registering choose one that has a positive reputation.

Before registering it is important to find out their terms and conditions for example:

  • Find out what your employment status will be
  • What health coverage will you have?
  • Are you entitled to a state or occupational pension?
  • Questions on income tax
  • Can you claim expenses?
  • Will you be required to be in a trade union?

2. Auto-entrepreneur

This is the same as micro-entrepreneur. It is a business of one person registered under the entrepreneur. There are various advantages associated with running your own business and becoming your boss.

Students can own businesses which they can run pastime away from their busy schedule.

Advantages of being an auto-entrepreneur:

  • There is less complicated paperwork or legal stuff
  • The taxes that you will incur are reasonable
  • Any owner of an auto entrepreneur is entitled to health insurance
  • Your goods or services that you deal in don’t have to be charged a VAT as they might not meet the threshold to do so
  • Registration takes but a few minutes as you can either- register online or go to the appropriate office in person to register. It entails a few key things like coming up with a business name, setting up a business account in a bank, handling a few legal requirements just to mention a few.

Once registration has been completed successfully you will be registered by URSSAF

3. Freelancing and consulting in France

The best thing about freelancing is that you set up yourself for something you are passionate about and it brings you money. There are very many niches a person can specialize in especially if you use online marketing sites like Upwork and Fiverr.

Here you can offer your services for product creation which is very different from consulting

Setting up a consultation gig on a niche of your choice, of which you are knowledgeable enough, will help organizations use you as their researcher to help them make decisions in their businesses.


Set up rates on the service and market it to companies that specialize in the kind of niche that you specialize in.

Bear in mind that you are being approached by money-making organizations to help them solve their business-related problems.

So companies will hire you.

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